What are my aims for the course?

My overarching goal is to discover how to better use IT to help steer students towards understanding science/chemistry/the world we live in better. In particular I have recently become very interested in the use of flipteaching.  What better way to maximize time spent with students in the classroom?  Have students watch videos which teach them the vital subject material you would ordinarily cover, as the teacher, in the classroom.  Then have students do the type of exercises and problem-solving, that you might ordinarily set for homework, in the classroom.  I already make some use of this idea by making podcasts of myself explaining concepts and going over solutions to problems on my Promethean interactive board.

Students can watch them while at home, in class or on the way to/from home. I am in the early stages of this project but would love to hear from like-minded people who are using or wanting to use this exciting way to facilitate learning in and outside the classroom.  Perhaps one day soon I might have students themselves making such podcasts!

4 thoughts on “What are my aims for the course?

  1. Pingback: What are your aims for the course? Expand and reflect on your profile statements. | lyewc

  2. So THAT’S what a podcast is!!!! I have made understanding podcasts and how to use them in the classroom one of my aims, and all this time, the videos I make and get kids to make are actually called podcasts.

    Yes that does show our age a bit…

    I also use them for a flipped classroom approach, and also have students become experts at a certain piece of work and make their own expert podcast lesson.

    Ok…. so Steve has said that there is a bit of difference between just a video and a podcast, where you can subscribe to a podcast channel and get regular updates when new podcasts are uploaded. There is special sites that you can go to to form your own channel.

    I am still trying to distinguish between a video upload and a podcast?

    ANY TAKERS?????

  3. I have flipped my classroom on a couple of occasions and feel it was successful. It takes time to set up differentiated question sets so that all students are challenged when they arrive in class but we tend to do this anyway with homework.

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